Find a Hawaii Kaiser Permanente Doctor


Quality Doctors

The Hawaii Permanente Medical Group (HPMG) is the largest multispecialty medical group practice in the State of Hawaii, comprised of over 600 physicians and non-physician clinicians leading care delivery for Hawaii members.


A Patient/Doctor Relationship

Your doctor should be someone you trust - someone you can count on to take good care of you and your family. But the patient/doctor relationship goes beyond that. Your doctor is your total health partner, working closely with you to ensure all your health needs are met, even when you are well. That's why at Kaiser Permanente, you can choose your own doctor, and you are free to select a different doctor whenever you want. And best of all, you decide when and how you want to communicate - Communicating with your doctor is an important part of your relationship, and you are able to do so in person, on the phone, or via

Doctors Passionate About Prevention

Dr. Jennifer Carney, chief of the division of hematology and oncology for Kaiser Permanente Hawaii, knows there are countless reasons why women may put off getting a mammogram, but she also knows that regular screening, early detection, and intervention can literally save lives.